Club FEED works to combat hunger, promotes nutrition


Club FEED is one way to get involved on campus.

Combating hunger and learning about healthy living is beneficial for college students.

One of the events that club FEED is hosting for the end of the semester is a Walk-for-Hunger on Saturday May 10 at 9:00 am,at Lodi Lake.

The walk will be 5 miles and will be held in the nature trail area of Lodi Lake. You can get a pledge form from a club FEED member if you would like to get people to sponsor you, so you can donate the money.

These pledge forms also include a waiver and release of liability sheet.

Waivers will be available the morning of, at the lake.

If you wish to participate in the walk you must sign a waiver, be in good health and follow the rules.

This will be one of the first big fundraising events that club FEED will be hosting.

Therefore, they need your full attention and cooperation.

The Walk-For-Hunger is being held by Project FEED (Psychology Honors 50H Project) started by honor students. Proceeds will help fund combating malnutrition and possibly disaster relief.

Be a part of the change you want to see in the world, start locally with the Walk-for-Hunger.

“Thus, our purpose as a club is to explore the concerns surrounding malnutrition and unhealthy living. In addition, our main goals include helping reduce illness caused by malnutrition and promoting a healthy lifestyle,” according to club FEED members.

Club FEED has held fundraisers in the past to help other parts of the world affected by national disasters. In 2012 they held a fundraiser to purchase resources that would then be sent to Fiji because of the flood that left many without the basic necessities.

They look at the big picture doing their part locally and globally.

Club FEED started in 2011, originally by students who found an advisor for their club.

“A couple of students approached me a few years ago and asked me if I would be the advisor for club FEED,” said Dr. Karen Millsop adviser of the club and psychology Professor.

Although, a lot of what club FEED does is off campus students get an opportunity to meet other students with common interests.

One of the obstacles with promoting this club is that not a lot of volunteers are needed for certain events.

“The club is a little different from most campus clubs, in that we’re a service group, we go and feed the homeless at St. Marry’s and you can’t have a hundred people show up there it’s just not large enough,” said Millsop.

Club FEED remains active throughout the entire semester.

Leadership is what keeps this club so involved.

Ali Manrique has been president of the club for 2 semesters now. She is doing her part to help this club evolve.

“We basically started to become more organized as a group and try to move towards more events and try to involve more people, just get the word out there that this club exists and we’re here for a purpose,” said Manrique.

She sets her goals high and involves others in accomplishing those goals.

“It’s taught me a lot about responsibility and leading others for just one cause, it was just very eye opening for me… to see that through our club we could help others it’s been a very rewarding experience for me,” said Manrique.