Professors take road less traveled


The path to success can have a variety of twists and turns.

As community college students, we have all taken a non-traditional approach to education.

The cliché of a college experience would be something involving moving out right after high school, living in a dorm, and attending extravagant as well as outrageous social events most weekends.

What we live every day at Delta is far from any typical college experience.

But this is not a bad thing.

Attending a community college can provide benefits and often leads to success.

Like all of us, many of the professors on Delta’s campus attended junior colleges at the beginnings of their academic journeys.

“One huge benefit was the money I save by attending a community college. I figured out that I saved over $26,000 by attending community college first instead of going straight to a University of California school,” said Professor Beck Plaza.

Monetarysavings is an obvious benefit, but it does not stand alone.

“At a community college, you can easily develop relationships with your professors and classmates. It’s much more challenging to get to know your professors at four-year universities,” said Professor Tamir Sukkary who attended American River College before finishing his education and then becoming a professor of political science at Delta college.

Junior colleges, especially Delta, are intended to ensure student success.

Taking the same course with smaller class sizes for less money is a step towards a bright future.

It is important to know that student success greatly depends on how the student applies him or herself.

Community college offers many opportunities, but it is ultimately up to student to utilize those opportunities.

“Budget your time with care. Fill in a weekly calendar of classes, work, study time, family, etc… Try to communicate often and cordially with your instructors; we are so glad to help you succeed!” advises Dr. June Gilliam, who currently instructs at Delta and attended Sacramento City College.

Considering the number of professors instructing at Delta who have attended Delta or another community college, it is obvious that community college can be a viable step towards success.