Big summer entertainment nearing


Summer means high heats and blockbusters, and also an abundance of debuting shows.

With the season fast approaching that means a lot of free time for college students.

Television is back with a vengeance. This summer has a lot in store.

For the Netflix users, which is almost everyone:

“Orange is the New Black” already in high acclaim and viewership by most Netflix users will be returning for its third season on June 12.

“Sense8” is a new sci-fi drama series debuting June 5 created by the Wachowski’s.

Upcoming shows on premium cable, HBO specifically all on June 21:

“Ballers” is a drama about millionaire football players off the field, staring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
The series will have actual NFL players as guest stars and deal with multiple issues athletes deal with such as friends, families and business.

“The Brink” is a political comedy about issues in Pakistan with stars Tim Robbins and Jack Black. Politics are big, and HBO has already had success poking at the lighter side of politics, leaving it safe to assume it can be done again.

“True Detective” is premiering its second season with new cast members that include Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell. The show will attempt to capture the dark side of audience’s minds yet again with an all-new case, possibly more twisted than the last.

NBC also has a slew of programming upcoming and the most notable ones are as follows:
Bear Grylls has two reality shows upcoming on NBC this summer, “The Island” premieres May 25 and “Running Wild” returning July 13.

“Hannibal” makes its dark chilling return with more from Will Graham and Dr. Lecter saga June 4.

“Mr. Robinson” is a new comedy starring Craig Robinson as a middle school music teacher premiering Aug. 5.

Big budget films will have massive moments to shine too.

“San Andreas” will be hitting theaters throughout the country igniting massive fear on the West Coast.

The “Entourage” movie is happening for anyone who might be interested on June 3.

“Ted 2” will be rolling out all over the country June 26.

Rated “R” comedy sequel’s rarely hold up to expectations, but because of Seth Macfarlane’s long-term success on television a chance should be given.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back July 1 in his signature role of the terminator in “Terminator Genisys.”

“Ant-Man” isn’t the biggest hero, but it’s poised to be giant film with a big star, Paul Rudd.
After multiple scripts and various detached directors, the movie with a relatively unknown hero will hit theaters July 27.

The “Fantastic Four” reboot does seem unnecessary due to the overabundance of comic book movies already, but heroes do deserve a better representation than the original underwhelming film.

This will be director Josh Tank’s second film, a lot of trust with the reported $122 million dollar budget.
And last but definitely not least, “Jurassic World” is most likely the most anticipated film of the summer after “The Avengers.”

This reboot has the world waiting with each new exciting trailer debuts. Safe to say dinosaurs never get old.
Safe to say June 12 will belong to “Jurassic World.”